Defines the header section that contains all the header content in a table.
Defines the body section that contains all the body content in a table.
Defines the footer section that contains all the footer content in a table.
Specifies column properties for each column within a <colgroup> element
Specifies a group of one or more columns in a table for formatting
Semantic Tags in HTML
Defines a header section for a document.
Defines a footer section for a document.
Defines the main content of the document.
Defines a section for a document.
Defines an article for a document.
Defines a content section aside from the page content.
Defines additional details for a document that the user can hide or view.
Defines a dialog box or window for a document.
Defines a visible heading for <details> tag in a document.
Adds a machine-readable language for the given content.
Formatting Tags in HTML
Defines a block section in a document.
Defines an inline section in a document.
Defines that the text is bold.
Defines an abbreviation in the document.
Defines the information of the author/owner of a document/article in HTML.
Defines that the given content is computer code.
Defines that the text is emphasized.
Defines marked text in a document.
Defines preformatted text in a document.
Defines that the text is smaller than the default.
Defines a short quotation in a document.
Defines that the text is important.
Defines that the text is subscripted.
Defines that the text is superscripted.
Defines a section for the content that will be hidden when the page loads.
Defines a specific time or date-time in a document.
Defines text that is styled differently from normal text.
Defines a variable in a document.
Defines that a line-break is possible.
Meta Tags in HTML
Defines the information about the document.
Defines metadata of an HTML document.
Defines the base URL for all relative URLs in a document.
Hope this article will guide you to recognize all the HTML tags you needed and still if you have any problems or queries regarding this, post them in the comments section and we will be glad to assist you.
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