Eye Detecting Video Player in Android Studio
In this tutorial, we'll learn how to make an eye-detecting video player by using the third-party library "LookAtMe" in our Android application. We all know how cool an Android app…
In this tutorial, we'll learn how to make an eye-detecting video player by using the third-party library "LookAtMe" in our Android application. We all know how cool an Android app…
What is Glide library? Glide library is an Image Loader Library for Android, developed by bumptech, and is a Google-recommended library. It’s been used in a number of Google open-source…
Picasso library is a popular image caching and networking library for Android. It is supported by a reliable source, Square, and has several other advantages such as an easy-to-use syntax, and…
In the previous article, we learned about Volley library with a simple presentation. In this article, we are going to create an Android application with the Volley. Volley is a networking library managed by…
In this tutorial, We will learn about the Volley library before going to create an Android application with the Volley you must have some basic idea about volley library so…
In this tutorial, we will learn about retrofit and making a GET request using the retrofit library, we will implement Glide Library also for image loading. Retrofit is the most…
In this tutorial, we will learn about retrofit, Retrofit is a most amazing library for android that seamlessly handles all the HTTP requests and responses. Retrofit is a type-safe HTTP…
API stands for Application Programming Interface, and it is a software intermediary that allows two applications to communicate with one another. An API is used every time you use an…
In this tutorial, we will learn how quickly we can build a simple image gallery app in Android using an Adapter. We'll be making an image gallery app, which is…
In this tutorial, we will learn how to use RecyclerView using GridView in Android with Kotlin language. A RecyclerView is an advanced version of a ListView that performs better. According to the…