Flutter's Ripple Effect

Flutter Progress Indicators: Circular And Linear

Flutter is a popular cross-platform mobile application development framework that provides a wide range of user interface (UI) widgets to create stunning and interactive mobile apps. One of the essential widgets is progress indicators, which are used to display the progress of a task being performed by an application. Progress indicators help users understand how much time is left for a particular task and keep them engaged with the app. In this article, we will discuss how to implement circular and linear progress indicators in Flutter.

What are the progress indicators in Flutter?

Progress indicators are UI widgets that provide visual feedback to the users regarding the progress of an ongoing task. Flutter provides two types of progress indicators: circular and linear.

What is a circular progress indicator?

A circular progress indicator is a widget that displays the progress of a task as a circle that fills up gradually. It is commonly used to indicate the loading of data or the completion of a particular task. Flutter provides a pre-built widget called CircularProgressIndicator that you can use to create a circular progress indicator.

How to implement a circular progress indicator in Flutter?

To implement a circular progress indicator in Flutter, you need to use the CircularProgressIndicator widget. Here is an example code that creates a simple circular progress indicator:

  child: CircularProgressIndicator(),

How to customize a circular progress indicator in Flutter?

Flutter provides various properties that you can use to customize the appearance of a circular progress indicator. For example, you can change the color, stroke width, and size of the indicator. Here is an example code that customizes a circular progress indicator:

  child: CircularProgressIndicator(
    valueColor: AlwaysStoppedAnimation<Color>(Colors.blue),
    strokeWidth: 6,

What is a linear progress indicator?

A linear progress indicator is a widget that displays the progress of a task as a horizontal bar that fills up gradually. It is commonly used to indicate the progress of a lengthy task, such as downloading a file. Flutter provides a pre-built widget called LinearProgressIndicator that you can use to create a linear progress indicator.

How to implement a linear progress indicator in Flutter?

To implement a linear progress indicator in Flutter, you need to use the LinearProgressIndicator widget. Here is an example code that creates a simple linear progress indicator:

  child: LinearProgressIndicator(),

How to customize a linear progress indicator in Flutter?

Flutter provides various properties that you can use to customize the appearance of a linear progress indicator. For example, you can change the color, value, and background color of the indicator. Here is an example code that customizes a linear progress indicator:

  child: LinearProgressIndicator(
    backgroundColor: Colors.grey[200],
    valueColor: AlwaysStoppedAnimation<Color>(Colors.blue),
    value: 0.5,


Progress indicators are crucial widgets in any mobile app that performs time-consuming tasks. Flutter provides two types of progress indicators: circular and linear, which are easy to implement and customize. With this comprehensive guide, you can now create visually appealing progress indicators for your Flutter app and keep your users engaged.

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